Saturday, 7 March 2015


Image result for zimbabwean youths and politics
It is important for one to note that youths have more to offer in politics because of their charisma and active minds. However there are barriers that are set to disqualify them in political matters either because of their overzealousness or they pose a threat in politics.This however is a debate for another day.

This becomes a two way system as youths will also be benefiting in terms of equipping themselves with good leadership skills.Youth and adults benefit from each others’ skills, knowledge and capacities through sharing fresh ideas enthusiasm is brought about.

Also to be noted is that the benefits of the youths in politics will somehow bring about state of seriousness in their lives. it is no secret that there is no employment in Africa leading to some young people doing things that will end them in jail. but rather what is needed is for them to be included, involved, groomed and be listened to as they are our future leaders. There is a need to wash away the apathy.

Image result for african youths and politics
Zimbabwean youths
'In the recent past we have seen that the emergence of youth into politics has brought in a new spirit of enthusiasm and confidence among people. The skepticism that leaders are only born, is no more valid these days. As we know that ‘leaders need not do different things, it would be sufficient if they can do things differently’. And this is what we need now. We need young fresh minds to come into politics who strive to make the country better.'

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