Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Involvement in politics is an attempt at creating a common good, while taking an active part in an organization is an absolute must for university students. However, it would be much better if they join a political party which seeks to uphold pluralism in their country.
it is believed that young people have clear thoughts which would be useful for improving people’s lives, therefore laying a good foundation for them that will enable them to have good empowerment towards politics.Also it is for the good of a country.

indian Youth
 Looking at India, the Indian youth deliberately needs to be empowered and their own power and potential need to be utilized in an accurate way. Youth need to be given authority, a platform, where they can express themselves fully without fear.

In Nigeria, a bid to empower youths have been fruitless because of  a dislocated past, a corrupt and confused generation, as well as a people with a shattered and an uncertain future. In this tragic failure, 'we have inadvertently empowered our youths with the spirit of corruption'

In a bid to achieve this, there is a need for under privileged youths to be given free education that will empower them, create people with an analytic and critical mind towards serious issues that affect their lives.
Further, also a formation of a youth committee in order to increase active participation and also select people who might belong to different fields and areas of specialization to be part of that board.
An empowerment that will put a country into safe hands

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