Sunday, 15 March 2015


Democracy purely is a government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. it involves respect and equal rights for everyone, but then do youths understand, exercise or rather they abuse the democracy or it is just an ideal thing.
 The young generation are the ones who will shape the future of democratic development in a country
 According to research conducted by the UN’s Development Program and the BBC World Service, youths between 15 and 24 still have a limited knowledge of democratic institutions and electoral participation.

A Cambodian youth suggested that;
Sopheap"In order to urge youth to be more involved in democratic development, firstly, we have to guarantee the space for youths to communicate, to meet, and to discuss. Secondly, civil society, and especially the government, needs to work to improve the human rights situation, because when the human rights situation is restricted—when one activist gets killed—it sends a very strong message to the public that they have to be silent"

However many governments do not offer a voice to the youths leading them into mobilising themselves and revolting against the existing government like the infamous 'Arab Springs'

Another disheartening factor is that members of older generations expect subservience and offer no respect to youth voices.Not effectively engaging disaffected youth can result in instability in communities.
workshops and programmes should be put in place  to motivate and engage youths. Have parties that advocate for democracy in a certain country. Youths ought to understand what democracy really is and if those in power do not give it to the people a  problem is bound to rise leading to revolution and apathy in terms of voting.
They end up losing the interest to vote because of such issues. 

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