Saturday, 28 February 2015


Indian youths on concetrating on their cellphones
The virtual community has literally taken over our livelihood. Making us shun away from serious things that affect our day to day lives. It then makes the world wonder what the youths are up to if they are not on social media. these are just part of the factors that we should take note of.

Politics has been shoved at the back seat and we have prioritised other things as youths.
youths in India all along have been given the mentality that politics is not suited for educated people. However this has led to even some University students taking the idea of politics as their career and help promoting the cause.
it then questions the government of India and the role it plays in educating their youths.

one will then come to conclude that by saying it is not suited for educated people they will be running away from the educated youths who will open up their minds and critically analyse or even come to the extent of opposing the current government.

Youths at a rally
nigerian youths at a rally

 Crossing over to Africa, the Nigerian youths are sidelined in the affairs of the state causing a problem in the country. having leaders who stay in office for close to 2 decades has been a cause for concern also as they do not want to  leave the conch to the young ones.

  'It is about our youths who are busy discussing about Jose Mourinho of Chelsea Football Club and Arsene Wenger of Arsenal and Manchester United while our leaders continue to sing the same song in a different tune. It is about our youths who are busy with “Big Brother Africa” and Nollywood and dancing “Skelewu” to the extent that they have lost political consciousness that our elders have decided to take us for a ride. We have given up on ourselves and on our country thinking – It is not our business.'

however, at the end of the day we question whether the youths are even taking the initiative to be included or they are also taking a back seat

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