Wednesday, 15 April 2015

the meaning of freedom of expression amongst the south african youth

freedom of expression can be abused and misused if placed in the wrong hands. a lot has to be taken into scrutiny when it comes to  the south African youths. Many a times they are caught up in the acts that can probe political instability in a country or rather something that can stir up a genocide. thus, being the removal of the statue and the Xenophobia attacks' respectively.
IOL Chumani Maxwele done
protesters throw poo on Rhodes' statue
 This kind of act has the potential of disrupting the 'state of equilibrium' that is in south africa which is dubbed a rainbow nation. everyone has a right to express themselves but should it be absolute even if it poses threats to the political system as the youths are not prepared to stop in the case of removing these statues.

Moving forward, the recent Xenophobia/ Afrophobia attacks in Durban seem to have been perpetuated by the youths. As the energetic young people they have concentrated their energy on putting a message across to the foreigners. They may be angry towards the foreigners and the issue of unemployment but are they directing it to the right people and is it the right way to go about it.this is affecting many people and at the same time causing hatred amongst nations. From my own point of view this is not the kind of grooming that young people ought to have as it is unhealthy for them and the people nearby.
 Do they posses the right qualities of leadership?
youths protesting against the attacks.

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