Wednesday, 8 April 2015


maziwisa with president Robert G Mugabe
Psychology Maziwisa was born on 1 March 1983 in Mutare, Zimbabwe’s third largest city.He has two children William 7 and Samara 2 and is married to Thandeka Maziwisa.
He is a zimbabwean lawyer, politician and ZANU-PF spokesman.
 Maziwisa joined ZANU-PF in 2010 after attaining his degree in South Africa. He is a young politician with an oozing fire in him. he is known for his hard hitting articles criticizing  Morgan Tsvangirai on his mad sex life.
Because of his controversy, he is known as the spin doctor.

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psychology maziwisa
During the factions era in ZANU PF from 2014, Maziwisa appeared to be one of the frontline supporters of Robert Mugabe. He was very vocal against an alleged faction perceived to be under the leadership of former vice president Joice Mujuru. For this reason among others, Maziwisa has come to be identified as one of the biggest bootlickers in the ZANU PF party.

He is one of the people who has no mercy for the MDC because of his tongue lashing comments.

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