Tuesday, 24 February 2015


A genuinely inclusive society needs to ensure that its youth participate in all its affairs, that young people’s views are included in development policies and that young people develop leadership skills.

there is a need for a vibrant  youth, that will participate more in policy making and understand every aspect of how our policies and governance work, including the enforcement of the rule of law.
Conference participants
Photo ©: Nuredin Hassen for international IDEA             
  African youth have been only marginally involved in civic participation, electoral participation and providing a political voice. This is partly due to lack of quota systems in political processes and in political parties of many African countries. Accordingly, youth remain on the fringe of political parties.

obama at UCT
US President Barack Obama adressing an audience in UCT

in addressing the University of Cape town in 2013, President Obama said,
   “You get to decide what kind of future you want. More than 60 percent of Africans are under        35. Young people will determine the fate of the continent..."

 now the question remains..are we deciding the fate of our continents as youths or we are just passengers in politics or youths are more participatory in things that will paint them badly all in the name of being active citizens, like the EFF?..well maybe or maybe not

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