Saturday, 28 February 2015


Indian youths on concetrating on their cellphones
The virtual community has literally taken over our livelihood. Making us shun away from serious things that affect our day to day lives. It then makes the world wonder what the youths are up to if they are not on social media. these are just part of the factors that we should take note of.

Politics has been shoved at the back seat and we have prioritised other things as youths.
youths in India all along have been given the mentality that politics is not suited for educated people. However this has led to even some University students taking the idea of politics as their career and help promoting the cause.
it then questions the government of India and the role it plays in educating their youths.

one will then come to conclude that by saying it is not suited for educated people they will be running away from the educated youths who will open up their minds and critically analyse or even come to the extent of opposing the current government.

Youths at a rally
nigerian youths at a rally

 Crossing over to Africa, the Nigerian youths are sidelined in the affairs of the state causing a problem in the country. having leaders who stay in office for close to 2 decades has been a cause for concern also as they do not want to  leave the conch to the young ones.

  'It is about our youths who are busy discussing about Jose Mourinho of Chelsea Football Club and Arsene Wenger of Arsenal and Manchester United while our leaders continue to sing the same song in a different tune. It is about our youths who are busy with “Big Brother Africa” and Nollywood and dancing “Skelewu” to the extent that they have lost political consciousness that our elders have decided to take us for a ride. We have given up on ourselves and on our country thinking – It is not our business.'

however, at the end of the day we question whether the youths are even taking the initiative to be included or they are also taking a back seat

Thursday, 26 February 2015


 The MDC-T legislator for Kuwadzana and former Government Minister for ICTs, and former national youth chairperson for (MDC-T) Nelson Chamisa is one of the charismatic, sharp tongued young leaders in the country. he resumed office in February 2013 as the minister of ICTs . since then he has set up a good record, the kind that us youths should adopt, from being effective during his years at the University of Zimbabwe and a good orator for that matter.
Nelson Chamisa. Picture taken from the Financial Gazzete newspaper.

“For me, Zimbabwe is far more important than Chamisa. Zimbabwe is in search of answers and not questions and certainly not questions about power and positions. Those who love power and position inordinately love oppression.” Chamisa has been with the MDC-T since its formation in 1999.

He is an opinionated and outspoken person who is not afraid to say out his mind. However, in the generation to come will there be more charismatic young people who are not afraid to say out things as they are without fear or favour..?

 Chamisa is not just a force to be reckoned with but he is the most eloquent statesman in Africa.
Nelson Chamisa, star of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is not only a force to be reckoned with, but is one of the most eloquent statesmen in Africa right now. - See more at:
Nelson Chamisa, star of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is not only a force to be reckoned with, but is one of the most eloquent statesmen in Africa right now. - See more at:
Nelson Chamisa, star of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is not only a force to be reckoned with, but is one of the most eloquent statesmen in Africa right now. - See more at:

well, his work is commendable and worth praising for a young man.

Nelson Chamisa, star of the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is not only a force to be reckoned with, but is one of the most eloquent statesmen in Africa right now. - See more at:


The Economic Freedom Fighter(EFF) commander in chief, Julius S Malema is one of the leaders who is not afraid to speak his mind and does not apologise for it. in June 2014, in parliament he accused the ANC of killing people during the Marikana strike. He is the kind of leader that sticks to his word and he is not apologetic. In this case he refused to withdraw his statement resulting in him being kicked out of parliament.

the EFF leaders being kicked out of parliament
picture taken from YOUTUBE

To some it is bravery and the kind of fire that is needed in our generation in issues of politics. everyone has a freedom of speech but what happens when that freedom is abused and where do we draw the line or there is no need to..?

Youths in SA have mixed emotions on his way of leading. bringing out questions such as is he even a good leader because of the way he presents himself in parliament and disrespects the President

his zeal can not be likened to some of our generation. the question at the end of the day is, is he going too far or he is trying to score revenge for his expulsion from the ANC....?
Next we are going to look at our very own, Nelson Chamisa..

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


A genuinely inclusive society needs to ensure that its youth participate in all its affairs, that young people’s views are included in development policies and that young people develop leadership skills.

there is a need for a vibrant  youth, that will participate more in policy making and understand every aspect of how our policies and governance work, including the enforcement of the rule of law.
Conference participants
Photo ©: Nuredin Hassen for international IDEA             
  African youth have been only marginally involved in civic participation, electoral participation and providing a political voice. This is partly due to lack of quota systems in political processes and in political parties of many African countries. Accordingly, youth remain on the fringe of political parties.

obama at UCT
US President Barack Obama adressing an audience in UCT

in addressing the University of Cape town in 2013, President Obama said,
   “You get to decide what kind of future you want. More than 60 percent of Africans are under        35. Young people will determine the fate of the continent..."

 now the question remains..are we deciding the fate of our continents as youths or we are just passengers in politics or youths are more participatory in things that will paint them badly all in the name of being active citizens, like the EFF?..well maybe or maybe not


 Zimbabwe Child President being sworn in
Politics is science to manage the country or state. Youth is young blood of nation and active worker of nation. So, it is very necessary and demand of nation that he must take responsibility and be active.

A Bulawayo student from Hamilton High school, Nhlanhla Moyo took over the child Presidency from Ntandoyenkosi Moyo in June 2014. The auspicious event was held in Harare.

Child President, Nhlanhla Moyo
“It is a great honour to represent Zimbabwean children and I promise that I will be committed to work towards advocating for their rights as well as alleviating the plight of underprivileged children across the country,” Moyo said.

However, we need to see the young government in action and putting into exercise what they have advocated for so that we are confident that we surely have future leaders in play.
His one year term is about to end..what has he achieved so far?..